Why development teams
need ContextMap

Because then documentation will be there when they need it...

A tool specific for internal technical documentation

A growing use of cloud-native architectures based on microservices and microfrontends, results in the need for a specific tool to allow more and better ways for knowledge sharing. Especially since there is a rise in distributed teams and working from home.

Business meets development

It's no secret Conway's law has a direct impact on how teams and departments will write software. ContextMap's focus on presenting information based on domain driven design (DDD) opens the door to analyse your team topologies, providing information useful to any profile in the software development lifecycle.

Improved efficiency and motivation

Everyone expects there to be documentation when they need it, but no one prioritizes updating it. Automating a dreaded tasks, ensures that teams can focus on the work they love doing, without neglecting the need for documentation. Also finding information when you need it, has never been easier. Due to the centralized and uniform portal which is optimized for searching structured technical information.

Your single source of truth

ContextMap is a centralized single source of truth where you can find the information you need the most, such as API's, references to example code, a glossary with business terminology to reuse, and much more


"I like the visual aspect. It's the best centralized tool we've had with the nicest overview, and intuitive to use"
-- Frontend Developer
"Before using ContextMap I had to search for information. For instance in the existing enterprise architecture tool. That was really challenging."
-- Functional Analyst
"Each time I see it, I'm impressed."
-- System Architect
"We run the self-hosted version with virtually no maintenance. Knowing that all data remains on our network and access is secure was important for us."
-- IT Manager
"I like how you can easily see the information model both as domain entities or as database tables for any microservice."
-- Data Scientist
"I find the most interesting part the ability to see which services are connected via REST and events, and having a clear view on your dependencies to other teams or other parts of the organization."
-- Backend Developer